23-24 LOL put Sow Study Sustain into Outdoor Learning constructions

For 2023-2024 LOL are pleased to announce that our constructions for outdoor learning activities will expand beyond Lincolnshire to Nottinghamshire and East Midlands Schools as well as Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Shouldn’t primary schools be back at the heart of communities too? With a little LOL learning about nature is fun.

Benjamin Adlard to have Worlds first Net Zero circular economy in school Micro farm

Benjamin Adlard Primary School of Gainsborough will be the first school in the world with a circular economy micro farm A massive thanks to the generosity of North Notts & Lincs Community Rail Partnership plus a contribution from Neil Gentleman-Hobbs and Ashley Butterfield Lincolnshire Outdoor Learning will announce more details


Lincolnshire Outdoor Learning offer Outdoor Learning Activities and constructions for Schools Outdoor Learning has proven itself to aid in memory retention of Learning.  Our Outdoor Learning Science Enquiry approach ensures that students can ‘Work Scientifically.’  Students select equipment and design methods, in order to record results and draw conclusions.  Thank you for