A huge thanks to David Rodger who has provided axes and billhooks for the Lincolnshire Outdoor Learning regenerative agricultural revolution. This will help with hedge laying and wildlife corridors, these being key to the circular economy ideas that make up our Sow Study Sustain model Are you a community group
Grow at Home in East Lindsey with Growth for Health
In 2023 we will continue our grow at home project in East Lindsey ‘Growth for Health’ We still have free kits available to people living in East Lindsey who wish to start growing at home. Good Lincolnshire fresh air and food builds healthy bodies and minds.
Make Do and Grow
During the pandemic Lincolnshire Outdoor Learning created and delivered Make Do and Grow and Make Do and Cook, two innovative arts, craft and treat you can eat projects, delivered to isolated people throughout Lincolnshire. This unique mental health intervention initiative helped isolated and vulnerable people of mixed ages and abilities.
HAF delivery during the school holidays
LOL have both run successful Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme projects as well as supplying our Nature Lab and circular economy based environmental science enquiry hub to support partners. It’s HAF at the Pav time Lets have some Healthy activities and Food then mix in NEL support plus a
Toynton Sensory Garden
LOL project managed and got hands-on when we transplanted existing plants and shrubs to create a new sensory garden in Toynton, This brought as much joy and LOL to the builders as it the beneficiaries. Initially we met with the management of Linkage in order to discuss their expectations and
Skegness Elevated Raised bed for wheelchair user access
Putting LOL back into peoples lives means no one is left behind so Skegness Swimming pool got a large raised bed with an elevated section for wheelchair users to access. Initially we met with the management of the Day centre in order to discuss their expectations and requirements and to
Horncastle Elevated Raised bed for wheelchair user access
Putting come LOL back into peoples lives means no one is left behind so Magna Vitae Swimming club in Horncastle got a large raised bed with an elevated section for wheelchair users to access. Initially we met with the management of Magna Vitae and the Horncastle Day centre in order
Elevated Raised bed for wheelchair user access
Putting LOL back into peoples lives means no one is left behind so The Chappell centre got a large raised bed with an elevated section for wheelchair users to access. Initially we met with the management of the Day centre in order to discuss their expectations and requirements and to
Move & Grow – Ancaster Community Growing
Over in Ancaster, Lincs LOL led the creation of two large raised beds to facilitate community growing for all age groups and abilities. Initially we met with the management of the Day centre in order to discuss their expectations and requirements and to timetable for the days of the practical