We create Outdoor Learning environments and spaces in collaboration with teachers and pupils within Lincolnshire, North East Lincs, North Lincs and the East Midlands.

We offer a wide range of Specialist Constructions including :
Raised Beds, Seating areas for a whole class, Ponds and Pond Dipping Platforms, Wildflower meadows, Storytelling Areas, Polytunnels, Outdoor Learning Boards, Interactive compost bin, Orienteering Trail and Maps, Bird Hide Screens, Outdoor Stages, Access Paths, Minibeast Hotels and Outdoor Learning Workstations.
Here are some ideas, but with the UK’s first school micro farm (complete with vertical and circular economy growing) opening in September 2023 we really can feed yellow belly hearts and minds.

Those are just some ideas, but with the UK’s first school micro farm (complete with vertical and circular economy growing) opening in March 2023 we would be more than happy to share some more with you.
Contact us for a meeting
Ashley or Neil by telephone or email – 01427 800048 or using first name @lincolnshireoutdoorlearning.co.uk