Outdoor Learning Activities for Schools
Outdoor Learning has proven itself to aid in memory retention of Learning. The Lincolnshire Outdoor Learning Science Enquiry approach ensures that students can ‘Work Scientifically.’ Students select equipment and design methods, in order to record results and draw conclusions.
We can offer river day experiences, science enquiry field trips or environmental science days within the school grounds to save on the coach cost.
The LOL experience is all about working scientifically to investigate the natural processes and living things of your school ground habitats, in order to develop scientific methodology skills and vocabulary at EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

Whilst our Team Challenge approach supports students working together, using initiative and developing Teamworking and Communication skills in fun, team challenges that can also be linked to the curriculum.
Our Science Enquiry Fieldwork day visits create memories that students will remember for the rest of their lives.

We also do exciting investigations into Settlement, Rivers, Coasts.

Our Outdoor Learning Activities include, but are not exclusive to :
Team Challenge – Outdoor Learning Team Building games and challenges.
Science Enquiry Outdoor Learning activities
Growing with the Seasons – Growing from Seed to Harvest through the Seasons.
Geography / Science fieldwork – Investigating Settlements, Rivers and Coasts for Primary Schools.
GCSE and A Level Geography Fieldwork for Rivers and Coasts.