We put the LOL into primary school science enquiry with a field trip – without the coach – that takes you into your great outdoors. This is now available to all East Midlands primary schools be they LEA or Multi Academy Trusts.
This LOL experience is all about working scientifically to investigate the natural processes and living things of your school ground habitats, in order to develop scientific methodology skills and vocabulary at EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Scientific Enquiry describes the processes and skills pupils should be taught and use, to find out more about the world and how it works. The main 5 types are
- Observation over time.
- Research.
- Pattern seeking.
- Identifying, grouping and classifying.
- Problem-solving.
- Comparative and fair testing.
But we, who aspire to enlighten the future generations that will inherit and protect our world, already know that.
So lets put some fun and LOL into it and get outside where it’s all happening…… and throw in some circular economy thinking and appreciation of our local natural environment
Now available to all East Midlands schools. We are now taking bookings up to October for the in school outdoor experience that builds healthy bodies and healthy minds
Longer schemes of work, together with circular economy constructions also considered.
Call or email Ashley or Neil on 01427 800048, ashley@ or Neil@ then lincolnshireoutdoorlearning.co.uk
#scienceeducation #circulareconomy #fieldtrips #pupilenrichment